
Xubuntu 20.10 Release Notes

Welcome to the Xubuntu 20.10 “Groovy Gorilla” release notes!

Xubuntu 20.10 was released on Thursday, October 22, 2020 and will be supported for nine months until Thursday, July 22, 2021. For general information and the latest updates for Xubuntu 20.10, check out the release page on xubuntu.org.

Known Issues

Installer Issues

Graphical Issues

General Issues

Ubuntu Common Release Notes

The main Ubuntu Release Notes covers both many of the other packages we carry and more issues common to every Ubuntu flavor.

Major Updates

This was a less active development cycle for our team, though we did make some significant improvements for our contributors.

Code Contributions

We’ve moved all of our code hosting to GitHub to make it easier for new and existing contributors to join into the Xubuntu development process. Artwork, documentation, marketing, websites, and everything else can now be found on the Xubuntu GitHub!


The second piece of the code migration was managing our translations. Easier than ever, our translations can now be found in a single place, on Transifex!


With a small team of new contributors, we worked on revamping our documentation this cycle. Every chapter received a number of updates and improvements, all of which can currently be found on Google Drive. We started migrating it to Docbook, but didn’t finish due to technical complications and time constraints. If you’re a Docbook expert, we’d love the help!


LibreOffice Tango Theme

Users of the LibreOffice Tango theme will find that it is no longer included in Xubuntu. However, it is still available to install from the repositories. Install in Xubuntu:

sudo apt install libreoffice-style-tango


Significant package and version updates. For full package changelogs, see the Changelogs section below.

Application Stack






Everything Else


Xubuntu/Other Packages

Xfce Core

Xfce Applications

Xfce Panel Plugins

Thunar Plugins

See also

20.10 Release Page (xubuntu.org)