
Xubuntu 18.10 Release Notes

Upgrading from 18.04

For 32 bit installations this is disabled and currently out of our control.

Installer Issues

It must be noted that it is close to impossible for our small team of testers to be in a position to work through all the varying parameters available during installation. We do however aim to test all the possible methods of installation (including for OEM and using encryption) available either on a virtual machine or on hardware (where hardware has been used during testing then Xubuntu QA will where possible make that known on the iso testing tracker). Further installation testing information can be on the Ubuntu installation release note(s) listed below

General Issues

Ubuntu Generic Release Note

The main Ubuntu release note covers both many of the other packages we carry and more generic issues.

Major Updates


Cosmic Wallpaper

Our beautiful new wallpaper features a gentle purple tone and greatly complements our GTK and icon themes. Past wallpapers are available in the xubuntu-wallpapers package.

elementary Xfce Icon Theme 0.13

The latest version of our icon theme includes the manila folder icons as seen in the upstream elementary icon theme. Additionally, our icon theme is now optimized with optipng, meaning a smaller install size and potentially improved load times.

Greybird 3.22.9

The latest Greybird release improves the look and feel of our window manager, alt-tab dialog, Chromium, and even pavucontrol! The notebook styles look significantly better and consistent with our other applications.




Panel Plugins

Thunar Plugins


Xubuntu/Other Packages

Xfce Core

Xfce Applications

Xfce Panel Plugins

Thunar Plugins

See also

18.10 Release Page (xubuntu.org)