
Xubuntu 17.04 Release Notes

Xubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus)

Xubuntu 17.04 will be supported for 9 months until January 2018. If you need Long Term Support, it is recommended you use Xubuntu 16.04 LTS instead.

Several Xfce panel plugins and applications have been ported to GTK+ 3, paving the way for improved theming and further development. Core Xfce libraries exo and libxfce4ui have also been updated with full GTK+ 3 support, the latter adding support for Glade development in Xubuntu with the installation of ‘‘libxfce4ui-glade’’. The Greybird and Numix themes have also been refreshed with improved support for the toolkit.

Camera functionality has been restored in Mugshot, Parole introduced a new mini mode and improvements for network streams, and a number of welcome fixes have made their way into Thunar and Ristretto. Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection (sgt-puzzles), an addicting collection of logic games, has been included along with the new SGT Puzzles Collection (sgt-launcher).

This release is based on the 4.10.x Linux release series. LibreOffice 5.3 includes a number of fixes and introduces new experimental interface options. Firefox 52 and Thunderbird 45 are included.

For new installs a swap file will be used instead of a swap partition. Upgrades from earlier versions are not affected.

See the main Ubuntu Release Note for more general issues and updates.

While thanks are due to all of those who contributed to this release, the Xubuntu Testing Team would particularly like to thank all of those who have reported on the Iso Tracker during this cycle.

Notable Issues

Installer Issues

General Issues

Changes and Bug Fixes


Xubuntu/Other Packages

Xfce Core

Xfce Applications

Xfce Panel Plugins

See also

17.04 Release Page (xubuntu.org)